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Herm Sprenger Stainless Steel 3.25mm Prong Collar Black

Item Number HS50004
Price $50.00
Sale Price $45.00

Product Description

The basis for this Herm. Sprenger innovation is generated from the wellknown stainless steel product range conclusively submitted to a galvanizing process which colours the upper layer of the material. Thus the colour is not only on top but also in the substrate material which reduces the abrasion during usage considerably. Numerous tests confirm the surfacebehaviour in the manner described. Depending on the nature of the fur a long-life surface is achieved. A warranty on coulor abrasion, however, cannot be granted. In usage, the colour may lighten somewhat, respectively an “antique-look” arises. The quality is not affected by this optical change. Slight colour deviations from batch are due to the manufacturing process.

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