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Vertex - 4lbs

Item Number V04
Price $49.95

Product Description


Vertex is a highly palatable, soluble powder that bridges the nutritional gaps that are left by traditional feeding methods, including the BARF diet. This product has been so successful that it has found a space on the feeding table of even the most skeptical breeders, dog trainers and handlers. Why? Because it works. Safely! Whether you are looking for better performance and muscle tone or a shinier, more vibrant coat, Vertex is the only supplement you need.


  • The canine athlete
    (Hunting, Schutzhund, Racing, Weight Pulling, etc.)
  • Pregnant or lactating females
    (Has been known to double milk and increase health of pups at birth.)
  • Finicky eaters
    (Makes into an irresistible gravy.)
  • Dogs recovering from sickness
    (Parvo, Anemia, Accidents, etc.)
  • Dogs with poor digestion
    (Hard to keep weight on.)
  • Stud dogs and brood females
    (Helping increase sperm count and fertility)
  • Dogs with low energy levels

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